Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Bitching, backstabbing and bullshit

Ice skating is
  • predominantly female
  • competitive
  • full of short dresses and skin tight training clothes
  • expensive
  • done unsociable hours
  • full of opportunities to show off
  • an individual sport
  • a lot of unwritten rules
This can lead to a pretty nasty atmosphere at times (as well as tons of fun at others!). When I first started skating, I expected the kids to be cliquey, spoiled little princesses. But for the most part, they're not. There are a few kids that I think are absolutely awesome people, and I can't wait to see how they turn out.

I've said before that I love skatemums, and I do! But sometimes you see them in a little cluster talking in hushed voices, glancing around for potential eavesdroppers, and wonder what (or who) they're bitching about. Of course, it could be nothing. Maybe it is nothing and they just want you to think it's something.

I don't know everything that goes on in the coach's room. But I know enough to know that a LOT does! Probably worse than anything that goes on on the ice or in the stands.

My advice is as follows
  • Smile til your face hurts. Then smile through the pain. They'll probably call you fake, but at least they can't say anything worse
  • Keep your thoughts to yourself
  • Kiss the ass of the people who matter
  • Wait for your skater in the car
  • Take up another sport. Like tiddlywinks.
Okay, so not entirely serious advice. But I guess I'm trying to say don't join in the bitching. Don't talk about anyone else, and if you must, don't say anything you wouldn't want them to know you've said. Because they will find out. Be nice to everyone. If you can't be nice, be civil. If you can't be civil, then just shut up. Know who's ass you're supposed to be kissing, even if you chose not to pucker up (it helps to know, cause when they're mad at you for not kissing ass, you'll know why).

But hey, I don't follow my own advice all the time, we're only human. But keep your eyes and ears open and don't open your mouth unless you know who's listening and who's ass they're kissing. I've had an argument with another adult skater over comments I've made to her and about her. I've had rumours spread about me because I don't kiss the right ass. I've opened my mouth and inserted my foot. But I'm basically a nice person, I don't thrive on the drama and the bitching, I would much rather we were all happy and having group hugs all the time! If you would prefer the drama, please stay away from me, thank you very much.

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